5 Motivational Tips for Starting Something New

Photo by Jordan Christian on Unsplash

In light of it being the start of a new year, I thought it might be helpful to discuss the concept of starting something new. It seems like there is a lot of glamour and mystery in the idea of starting something new. A new job, a new school, a new opportunity, a new hobby, a new sport, etc. The opportunity to start fresh and make a good impression. But there is also the fear and anxiety of the unknown that accompanies that excitement and mystery. And if it has been a while since you have started something new, you might have forgotten how painful it can actually be to find yourself in a situation where you are not the expert on the matter. You may have experience with the task or the topic. You may have done it a long time ago. You might know that you will be great at it once you finally get it down. But it’s the ‘getting good’ that presents the challenge. And this is even harder for our egos to swallow if we have become accustomed to knowing how things are done and now we find ourselves starting all over. So here are some tips to keep in mind when you are feeling particularly challenged by your new experience:

  1. Rome was not built in a day. – I know there is a strong desire to dive in headfirst and prove to yourself and everyone that you are a rockstar. While it is extremely valuable to be eager and ambitious, it is also smart to proceed with caution and build a good foundation prior to taking the plunge. In the beginning, slow and steady might just win the race. If you rush through the basics, you may find yourself scrambling when you increase the difficulty of the task or activity. A good solid foundation is always a great recipe for success in the long run.
  2. Be open-minded and listen carefully. – Learning something new is what you choose to make of it. If you choose to question everything, you might be hindering your ability to open up to a new way of looking at things. And that new way of looking at things may, in fact, be your key to your future success. Just remember that you only know what you think you know and you don’t know what you don’t know. 
  3. Be prepared for the unexpected. – You may be surprised that something you thought you knew well, you might not know as well as you thought. This makes me think of Forrest Gumps’ “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get” quote. You may think that you will be great at something right out of the great, but then you may struggle where you never thought you would. The more you can choose to embrace the reality of what is instead of what you believe to be true about yourself and your ability, the stronger you will come out in the long run. And you may find that you are more perseverant than you imagined.
  4. Embrace what you know to be true for you. – If you know you are a visual person, speak up, create visual components that will help you succeed. Do what you know works for you. You have been yourself your whole life. No one knows what works for you better than you do. And you might have to be your own advocate. You might have to create your own version of things. But knowing that and doing what it takes might just be what gets you where you need to be and you will be better for it.
  5. Stick it out ‘til you figure it out. – Do not quit. Do not ever give up on yourself. Even if you determine that you may not end up being the best, complete the program, finish the course, learn one song, play one game. There is something to be said for seeing something through. Even if you determine that it is not for you. Honor your commitments. It reflects on your character, but more importantly, it speaks to how you see your own value. If you promised yourself to try, you owe it to yourself to see it through for your own personal value and integrity to yourself. And who knows, you might surprise yourself. Often we tend to quit, give up, or sabotage ourselves when we feel challenged so we can blame someone else when we fail. But this only hurts you, because now you will never know what would have happened if you had stuck it out.

Here is a fabulous music video by Avicci called Broken Arrows that I think displays the concept of persevering extraordinarily well. Enjoy!

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